As a UK certified Organic Brand, we have had to pass the
highest quality standards, this is why ZUKR is not just a
"cheap" product. We believe that families and children should have access to the
very best ingredients, not just
"cheap" ingredients.
Low cost sweet foods bulked with high amounts of sugar are causing devastating effects on the health of the world. Although some foods appear to be "cheap" the price we pay to our health by consuming these foods is very high.
To ensure that our customers receive value, we also offer unique support for families in our ZUKR clubs where members receive support and education through exclusive members access to cooking, baking, healthy eating and healthy lifestyle classes and support. Our ZUKR clubs are a warm, supportive, loving and inclusive environment where members receive ZUKR delivered to their door, education, support and encouragement on their journey to better health.
We also have a dedicated team offering world class support to help you and your family to succeed through your journey of achieving better health by eating less sugar.
If you have any questions you can email our team: